Late period


I’m currently 3 days late for my period (today will make it 4) I have been cramping everyday since the day my period was supposed to start and these don’t feel like my normal cramps if that makes sense? I never get cramps in my lower back or below my stomach and these come and go all throughout the day. I haven’t had any spotting or bleeding. I had a dream 3 nights in a row before the date of my expected period and one of them I found out I was pregnant and it was a girl and the other 2 I was holding our baby girl. Other than cramps, my breast have been hurting so bad and are really sensitive - if my shirt or hair barely touches my nipples they hurt and to add to that I have felt so tired and exhausted like I don’t have any energy! Me and my husband have been TTC for a year and 4 months now. My cycles are always regular and I have only been late for my period maybe twice in my lifetime and that was due to a traumatic event and getting off BC. I really want to take a test but I’m so scared it will come back negative and I’m trying to give it a couple more days before I do because when I was late before my period came within a week. Has anyone else experienced any of these symptoms and were pregnant? *please no negative or rude comments!*