Any moms have trouble getting a continuous glucose monitor?

I'm pretty sure I'm diabetic because I have what feels like blood sugar lows. They get better when I drink juice or have something sugary. My doctor wants me to do a glucose test. She refuses to do it with natural sugar, so I asked for a CGM instead. She said she can't prescribe it without a diabetes diagnosis.

Has anyone else ever had this problem? I have had blood work that shows I am not diabetic. I've checked my sugars on a friend's glucose monitor but it showed up as normal. Can it be normal but it's wrong and you're low? I'm going insane. This happens at least 1-2 times each day.

Any ideas about what might be going on?

Added after to say that I have had all my blood work for diabetes including the sugars over a month, fasting, all that. Nothing shows I'm diabetic. I don't care if insurance covers a CGM or not, but my doctor won't prescribe one. I don't want the one where you prick your finger, I want the one with the dot on your arm that continuously does your sugar. You need a prescription for those and my doctor won't write me one. And I'm 30 weeks pregnant.