Losing Hope

Me (26) and Husband (29) have 3 children ranging in age from 5-2 years of age. We are ready to add our final bundle of joy and are struggling. We have never struggled before, infact all our children were planned and conceived the months we chose. We have been trying for baby number four for 15 months. My periods are perfectly normal (every 28 days). I have been using the LH strips and am ovulating on time. We have been using preseed on and off just to see if it helps (it hasn't, and it was never needed before). I also started to take a female balance supplement containing vitex, wild yam, red raspberry, and a few other fertility supporting herbs. I nor my husband drink.or smoke. We are a low toxin, dye free, artificial, and preservative free house. Anyone have any tips or tricks or ideas on what is going on!? Anyone in the same boat!?