Yall!!! You gotta try Organic pads!!! With link


Yall!!! If you haven’t already you gotta try Organic pads!!! Since I’ve switched I no longer deal with super heavy periods or intense cramps!

So basically my cycle is super irregular and I’ve always gotten bedridden you cramps lol. My cycle use to last somewhere between 6-9 days and sometimes would come on and go back off, so it would be on for 14 days 🥹 it would also come on whenever it felt like it lol so sometimes it would come on and sometimes it wouldn’t 😅 it became my reality for the last 6 years ( And no I’m not on any form of birth control and never have been. Nor am I pregnant or almost pregnant. ) My gynecologist and my PCP told me I’m “infertile” to an extent. So I use to often blame my crazy periods on that notion. And obviously it was a long conversation I had with both of them with many many many possibilities and issues factored in, I’m just summing it up for you.

That was the case of course until, I discovered organic pads!! Now of course I’ve seen them before in the store but, I didn’t see the point in them until I did my research 🧐 and woah “regular degular” pads are awful for women 😣. I discovered reusable pads(they can be expensive but worth it!) and organic pads( cheaper option until I can get the reusable ones!) and of course you still gotta be careful with organic too and do YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND ASK YOUR DOCTOR. But, it might just eliminate some issues you have with your cycle!

So ever since I switched, my cycle no longer last somewhere between 6-9 days, it went back to normal and now last around 5 days 😭 it’s still irregular just not SUPER irregular lol now it typically comes on every 28 days or every 30 days, I haven’t skipped months since I switched . I use to be heavy for the first 3 days, and I’d be extremely heavy 🥹 now I’m “kinda” heavy only on the second day 😭. My cramps were those bedridden you cramps lol and I’d be left immobile for about a day or too, now I have cramps for maybe an hour or two on the second day then I’m fine 😭😭😭.

So moral of the story is, organic is better in my opinion 👏🏼👏🏼 but do your own research, I switched to organic almost a year ago and everything I said, remains true if not better now! It did take a few months of using them before my body adjusted so there is a “adjusting” period I suppose lol.

But try them! If your someone who deals with some similar issues like I did this could possibly change your life. I never thought I wouldn’t dread my period coming on until now! 😭✨✨

Here’s the ones I can actually use now! Who would’ve thought I’d be using “thin” pads 😭👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼