Should I tell my partner I feel insecure ?

Me and my partner have a 2 year old. Before I got pregnant we would have sex every day and sometimes more than once a day. While I was pregnant we also had a lot of sex until I gave birth. I would say I gained about 30lbs during my pregnancy and lost about only 10lbs. Regardless my body obviously isn’t the same and I still have some baby fat around my stomach area and other places that makes me feel insecure. Of course I wish I had my old body back. My partner always wants to have sex and sometimes I lie and tell him I feel tired or it’s too late but in reality it’s because I feel insecure about my body. He’s never made me feel that way he actually always compliments me and is very touchy all the time but it’s me that has the issue here. Should I tell him I don’t always want to have sex because I feel insecure about my body or should I do something about it which is start losing weight and actually stick to my diet? I know a lot of women go through this so please be respectful in the comments. Thanks 🙏