Help please


My ex boyfriend told me in February that he is no longer in love with me. He doesn't know why but the love feeling just left and had been fading since November until it finally just went. He said that he still wanted to be with me and would try anything to get it back. Considering I was thinking this was the year he was going to propose and everything between us was going so well this came as a huge shock to me. We just became more distant as I felt he was just pushing me away. He tried 2 counselling sessions and then a day before our 6 year anniversary he ended our relationship. Within a month I went from being in a relationship with the man I thought I would be with for the rest of my life to no longer being with or talking to him. I know it will take time and I'm still in the grieving stage but I don't know how to get remotely past this stage because I have no closure, all I keep playing back in my head is that he doesn't love me anymore and he has no reason. I'm also hurting so bad as he seems to be taking this all fine, like 6 years didn't mean anything to him and he didn't even try to fight for it. I really don't know what to do anymore.