My 37 week induction and vaginal birth


I had my baby girl on Saturday and just wanted to share how it went as I was curious to see how it would go as a first time mom being induced at 37 weeks before giving birth. At the end of my.pregnancy I developed cholestasis and hypertension, among other non serious complaints. I went to my last NST at MFM on Thursday the 18th and she had some variables in her heart rate that had never been seen before, so it was recommending by the OB to get induced on that night instead of waiting for the weekend for my own managing doctor to come back from vacation to deliver. I went home, my husband and I packed our bags and loaded the car up then made dinner and ate at home before leaving for the hospital. I knew that once admitted I would not be allowed to drink and had been warned that due to this being my first time and being early term that it.was likely to take multiple days. I started cervadil at 10pm Thursday and by 2am Friday I was having frequent contractions. At the time the cervadil was placed, I was 0cm dilated, closed and 70% effaced. I continued contracting until 10am the next morning when they removed the cervadil, which ended up not working and I did not dilate. They decided to start me on pitocin since I was having patterned contractions and I was on pitocin for about 8 hours. After 8 hours I had only dilated to 1cm, so we decided to insert a foley balloon. The insertion itself was painless but once it was inserted and inflated, I began having severe contractions. I received one dose of fentanyl but it did nothing to relieve the pain. I decided to get an epidural so I could at least sleep since I hadnt slept since Wednesday night. I had concerns about the epidural not working on my left side due to a previous back injury to my L2 and those unfortunately came true but it would turn out to be a blessing in disguise. I went to bed and slept restfully before having the foley balloon removed around 8am Saturday morning. My waters broke shortly after, but the doctors didn't realize it when I asked about it they said it was my bloody show, they realized later when they went to break my waters that the membrane was gone. A couple of hours later I was rechecked as I was still feeling my left side after 2 bolus of epidural and they needed to see where I was before having the catheter moved. I was then told I was 9.5cm dilated and would not be able to do anything but prepare for birth. I laid on a peanut ball for about 30 minutes while the doctors attended another birth and was told that I would begin to feel pressure in my bum. I waited until I had the urge to push before having the nurses come in and I was rechecked and baby girl was at a +2 station. They began instructions to push with each contraction, and since I could still feel them on my left side, I was able to time it perfectly and managed to push her out within 4 contractions. From start to finish I labored for.36 hours and pushed for about 10 minutes. The birth itself was not as bad as I thought, it was actually the least painful part of the experience as I never felt any tearing or ring of fire despite getting a 3rd degree tear. I really didn't want an epidural going into labor but I think it was the best thing that I could have done for myself. My girl was 5lbs 6.5 oz and 18 inches. She needed absolutely zero medical interventions, lights, or supplements. I had collected colostrum at home before labor so while I recovered the first night she went to the nursery with enough colostrum to feed the entire night.