Surprise pregnancy after infertility

So Sunday morning my husband and I got a VERY unexpected surprise… a positive pregnancy test!

Back story: we tried to conceive naturally for years and never got pregnant. We did 18 months of fertility treatments, including 6 failed IUIs, and ended up getting pregnant through <a href="">IVF</a> with our only embryo. She’s now 21 months old. I have never gotten a positive test through a natural cycle. Until now. It was not planned at all, but we’re very excited!! Now comes my question moment…

Monday afternoon I had my first hCG blood test and It ended up coming back at 52 which was lower than my first pregnancy so it made me anxious. I went back in yesterday morning for a second hCG draw. It ended up being drawn around 44 hours after my first. I got the results back this afternoon and it was 105. So it definitely doubled which is obviously what we wanted. I just can’t help but still feel anxious because the numbers aren’t very high, at least compared to our <a href="">IVF</a> pregnancy.

Has anyone else gone through this? I’m really needing some encouragement/affirmation to calm my anxiety I think.