I need relationship advice

I’ve been with my boyfriend for 4 years. He had attraction issues with me in the beginning and it’s something that has improved a little but still isn’t great. Day to day we can usually co-exist and have little conversations but I don’t think either of us are truly happy. We don’t get much time together anymore- I work 1st shift and he works 3rd. He criticizes a lot of things that I say and do. The way that he speaks to me and treats me is not good. We just had a baby 3 months ago. Since then, I think things with us are even worse. He’s not doing what I need him to do to help with the baby. It’s just assumed that I’ll do everything and I have to ask him to watch our son so I can shower, eat… etc. I don’t have a desire to be intimate with him anymore because I feel like he’s nice to me just to get what he wants then goes back to treating me bad. I tried to explain this to him and he basically said that he will cheat if I reject him. We started couples counseling and he quit going after only 2 sessions because the counselor wasn’t taking his side like I’m sure he expected. I keep holding onto hope that things will get better because ideally I want us to be happy together for our son. At this point, I honestly just feel controlled and numb and don’t know what to do. Why do I keep hanging on? I don’t know if me leaving with our son would make him realize what he’s doing??