TMI!!! Need some answers!!


Hi ladies, so I have a pretty important question and I’m hoping someone can help me.

About 2 weeks ago I noticed some discomfort in my vaginal area, I usually get heat bumps so I assumed that’s what was causing the discomfort. I was working a physically demanding job at the time and would sweat often/ had to wear jeans every day. One day when I came home I noticed some bleeding, I looked at the bump and there was only one red spot I could see and assumed it had just somehow rubbed against my jeans and that caused it to get raw and bleed.

I then had my period, and even after that I’m still experiencing some bleeding and pain with this bump. I’ve started taking warm baths trying to decompress it, but I’m not sure what it is.

I looked tonight and saw what looked like two very red and irritated bumps near the opening of my private area, on the inside. Both of them are small but they’re very close together, I tried to research it on google but didn’t come up with many answers.

The bumps aren’t painful all day, but it does feel irritated when I wipe after using the bathroom and if I touch it. They’re both very red, it kind of looks as if they’re irritated and it bleeds every time I wipe after the bathroom.

The bump(s) don’t look like there’s any liquid inside of them, but I can’t get a super close look. I’ve never had this issue and I’m wondering if it could’ve been a boil and got irritated due to wearing jeans and sweating?

I don’t have insurance which is why I haven’t visited the doctor yet, and I’m hoping to get some solutions here if possible.

Google said it could be a STD but I know there’s no possible way of that being the case; anyone have any suggestions for me?