Need tips on getting toddler to sleep in their own bed!!

My second child is 2, and I’m about to have my last baby in about 2 weeks. I have never coslept with any of my children (not talking bad if you do, I just never have) my first two were amazing sleepers as babies. My first child never had problems when moving her to her own room. And she’s 5 now. My second child was amazing at sleeping in her own bed in our room. When we moved her bed to her own room around 1 and a half she did amazing in there too.

I don’t know what changed. When it was time for bed all we had to say was “time to get in bed” and she would go straight to her room and get in bed and have no problems. A couple months later she stopped doing that. So we started waiting for her to fall asleep in the living room then moved her to her bed. Which was fine, she still stayed in her bed all night after that.

Within the last 3 weeks (she’s 2 now) she has woke up around the same time every night screaming. From 11-11:30 and we bring her to our bed for the rest of the night. She is constantly saying “scared of the dark” so we put a lamp in there. She still will not budge. I’m not gonna shut her in her room while she screams in fear and wait for her to fall back asleep. I just don’t know what to do and I’m stressing about it since I’m gonna have a newborn in a couple weeks. I just don’t want her to get in the habit of staying in our bed.. any tips on what has worked for your child or what we should try?? It’s super difficult because we both work full time and it’s hard to get sleep as is.