Advice needed asap


Hi guys so i found out im pregnant. With my 4th baby so here is the icing on the cake y’all, so my late husband died from ending his life in 2022! I lost my baby I was pregnant with at the time at 16weeks3days due to domestic issues with my late husband. Any who, I moved on after a year and 4 months me and my late husband share 3 children that are alive and well. My now boyfriend/feature husband is amazing he treats me like a queen and treats my kids amazing to oh my goodness couldn’t have asked god for a better man, so I found out I was pregnant April 1st. I told my boyfriend/feature husband he was so happy. How ever now I find myself having a hard time announcing it to my late husbands mother I don’t know how to break it i am 12 weeks pregnant now I’m in my second trimester I just need advice because I’m only going to get bigger and she can be judgmental like super hard. And critical towards me then again I feel she shouldn’t judge because her son which was my late husband had two kids on me during our marriage and I think it’s brutal to judge when it comes to my pregnancy and my life style