I think he cheated 😩

So I’ve been with my bf for about a year and a half and we just had a baby. When we first hooked up I got a full std panel and tested negative for everything. A few months later I had my annual and asked to be tested for everything again just to be safe and all negative. I got pregnant and tested for stds again, negative. Now suddenly I have uti symptoms and what appeared to be a scratch on my vagina. I inspected some more and found what looks like 2 ulcers. Nothing looks puss filled or pimply. Kind of like a canker sore. We did have rough sex and used sex toys about a week ago and I was sort of dry after a while, I had a yeast infection not long ago, and I also just had laser hair removal and used lidocaine cream which some got on my vagina. Is it possible this could be from any of the things I did recently? Anyone have an ulcer type sore and it not be an std? He swears he did not cheat and I know I didn’t. I don’t want to believe he cheated but idk how else i would have gotten an std 😩

I recently quit my job to be a stay at home mom and do not have health insurance right now so I really don’t want to go to the doctors and pay out of pocket

Update in case anyone is going through something similar: went to the doctor because of the pain and she was almost certain it is genital hsv1. Waiting for results but bf now decides to tell me he had a pimple in his mouth like 2 weeks ago and has always gotten them but thought it was normal sooo likely herpes.