Wanting another babe!

Monica • Married. Mom of 5. And mom to 1 angel baby. ❤️❤️

So just for reference I have 5 children ages 8,7,3,2 and almost 1 on July 9th! I also had one miscarriage back in 2020. I took one depo shot after my babe in 2021 and then after that I had trouble trying to conceive my now 12 month old we tried for a year with no luck got put on ovulation medication and on my 2nd round of it is when I finally got pregnant with her.

Anyway, like I said above I really want one more baby and it will be my final baby and I’ll be done but part of me wonders if I’ll have this fertility issue again since I did previously but since my last babe I have not taken any form of birth control medication at all so I don’t know if that may help. But anyway I just got over my period a few days ago and decided to do an ovulation test just to see where I’m at in the cycle because I do have messed up cycles (I get a period every month, just never the same day or same length days) and I know this is not a positive ovulation test but does it look okay/good for this part of my cycle? And also has anyone else had trouble getting pregnant before but had no problems after that ? Any advice input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks ❤️