She’s here!


I was so nervous about my induction but it went amazing. Came in at 7am, started the foley balloon at 11 and by 3pm I was 5cm. Got my epidural at 4pm, they broke my water at 5pm and by 7pm I was pushing. Our beautiful little girl was born 25 mins later weighing 8lbs 5oz and 22 inches long with a full head of blonde hair. The total opposite of her sister who was 6lbs 14oz and 20 inches with dark brown hair. I know they say growth scans are inaccurate but in our case, it was spot on. Baby immediately latched and is boob obsessed already. I did have some scares and passed out a few times a few hours after delivery due to total exhaustion from the day moving so fast. Otherwise a totally flawless experience after such a complicated and high stress pregnancy. I’m so glad it’s all over 🩷