How was your pregnancy? Did you feel Braxton Hicks or did you know it was real labor pains? I'm just curious, I've seen a few women post having their babies this month.
How can you tell with drop, did you have pressure or lighting
Jessica • Jun 11, 2024
I’ve had Braxton hicks on and off for a few weeks. I noticed Sunday she dropped and she was very low compared to normal. Yesterday I had a couple contractions during the day but nothing that seemed like labor. When I went to bed I kept getting woken up with painful contractions once and hour and then it sped up at around 4am. Got to the hospital at 6am and was 8cm. Had her at 6:42am!
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Congratulations & great job mama. She is soooo beautiful. 😍 I’m due July 7 ❤️Can’t wait to meet my little girl!