What is it?

I’ve noticed this area (top right of lip) is always the same spot that always gets red. As a kid, I’ve had cold sores/ blisters sometimes but I never even had my first kiss. But back several months ago I had a big outbreak and it was swollen. Happened while I was on vaca, went to the doc and they said it was herpes. I rlly don’t think it is but I’m nervous it could be. I’ve used abreva (cold sore ointment) just in case and now it does sometimes get red around that area more frequently. I feel like it also happens a lot more during warmer or hotter weather.

I’ve also wanted lip fillers in that area where it’s red. My lips always appear uneven to me even tho it’s not noticeable at all in this pic. I’ve thought about it for a long time and I do still want fillers at one point. of course I know I should wait until it’s all clear, not red and normal. Can I still get lip fillers?

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