The worst thing happened

I was baby wearing and I fell… it was the single most worst experience of my life. My LO is 6.5 months old. And I was baby-carrying her in an ergo Omni 360 carrier facing forward. I was walking with her and my toddler and I stopped to help my toddler fix her hat and before I could even fix it I fell. Like out of nowhere. I think I must have stepped off the sidewalk and then tripped on my dress. The sidewalk is uneven right outside our apartment and I lost my footing when I stepped back, I think when I stepped forward I stepped on my dress and came down fast… most of the impact was taken on my right knee and left hand. It happened so fast I tried to shield my baby’s face and head with my right hand. I caught myself on my right elbow trying to shield her but her forehead hit the pavement. It all happened so fast though, I don’t know if she hit it as I was getting back up or if it was on the way down. It was terrifying I got up and screamed for my husband and ran over to the apartment to check if she was bleeding. She was crying so much. She wasn’t bleeding and we immediately offered her boob and that helped and then we iced her head. Then she was back to her normal self. We called the pediatrician and the nurse said it sounds like she’ll be okay and told us what to look for in the first 24 hours. It’s been 24 hours now and she still seems like her normal happy self.

To anyone who has had their baby fall and hit their head at such a young age, what happened? Were they okay? What did the doctors say? Has anyone experienced major or minor skull fractures? I’m also not sure if she bumped her nose on the ground or not so has anyone experienced nose fractures in infants? Just to be clear, I’m not seeking medical advice here. I’ve already asked questions to the pediatrician office, I’d just like some experience stories. Thanks.