Different people of the bible

Now in 2024 there's millions of different people it reminds me of the bible and chapters of different people in the bible.

People have called me shy, introverted, nervous to describe me. When people get to know me they have fun, I like to have fun laugh I mostly like going to the beach going to parks or simple things like visiting the farm, apple orchard, throwing a BBQ, bonfire. I respect the teachings of the bible.

My life is so different and I wanted to gain understanding, perspective because I would like to be more accepted by society to make friends easily to have people be kind friendly. I often wonder what plans God has for me and what I can do. I sometimes feel so hurt that people did not want anything to do with me I sometimes weep when I come home because I feel like I don't have many friends, I feel like I am pushed aside apart from the rest and I don't fit in it's lonely and it's like a new kid arriving to school that's how I feel

When I was young as a child I had bullies, as I grew older I had made quality friends with good character integrity, as I grew up into highschool I noticed that I didn't fit in to any social circle people rejected me and I was alone. I felt alone for a long time it's hard in college seeing everyone else make partners sit together talk to each other and you feel left out. The people in my life my friends, family have hosted and invited me to events the problem is they are the host so they have much to do and everyone at the event are strangers and I don't know what to do at events alone and I feel like people don't care for me like they don't want me there. It's been hard because I feel like people look at me with a judgement or they look at me like I don't belong and it's like a hard effort to make friends converse with strangers recently I was invited to a wedding and I sat down a couple was making fun of me laughing about me it made me feel so uncomfortable.

My friend is so different than me and her life has been different.

I have a question my friend and I grew up together I noticed people treated her kindly, smiled at her, strangers came up to her to make conversation, she was able to make friends anywhere mostly everyone came up to her her they introduced themselves asked for her friendship and honestly I was like her sister and she was almost like a celebrity she said she hated all the attention and everywhere she would go people would want to talk to her she had like thousands friends followers people calling her non stop invitations to go out parties, events.

My question is how can I be happy or at peace how do I be am I doing something wrong what can I do to feel more accepted even at church I am apart from the rest like a black sheep no friends