He’s here! 41+1

Kerri • Mom of three ❤️ 2 Boys & 1 Princess

My May 26th baby Turned into a June baby! Got induced on June 3rd 2024 went in the hospital at 10am & around 1pm we started Pitocin. I was not excited about Pitocin, as I heard such bad things about it, but it was not like anything I heard. My contractions came but we’re not bad at all. I was 4cm already walking in to my induction. I was having a few contractions here and there but they were not together consistently. Around 4 o’clock my water broke and my nurse said if I wanted the epidural I should probably get it now. So I did. Best epidural ever 🤣 I didn’t feel any pain but I did feel him move down when he was ready to come out. I pushed for 15 mins and at 7:05 he was here. I did have a few complications with his heart rate and they stuck the monitor on his head to make sure he was okay, which he was but he was born with a head full of hair and he’s absolutely perfect.

Jeremiah John Jordan 7.9oz 21 inch long ❤️

My last baby. He is now just over 2 weeks old and he’s amazing. I’m so glad he came into my life because I sure thought I was done having babies! He said surprise mom!!!