Literallythe year after we stopped "trying" my 1st BFP!

Ashleigh (TTC 1st 🤰🏽)

I had an open Myomectomy fibroid removal surgery feb 23... got of BC pills feb of 24... last month we just BD frequentlynot even trying. AF was over a week and a half late. My nerves have been bad becauseyears ago i had pregnancy symptoms and no cycle. Went to my obgyn specialist and we discovered a pituitary gland tumor affecting my hormones. So with that I said I want God to give me signs quick when Im pregnant. And baby did he. Breasts completely tender, no AF, frequently using the RR.... and here I am! Last month all I did differently was rubbed wild yam cream over my thyroid, as I also have PCOS. Praying for this one to stick. Theres hope for all women. Look into wild yam cream and take suppliments to help prep your body... black seed oil with vitamin d3 and k, geritol and eat more fruitsand vegetables. Baby dust to all trying!