How can I overcome my anxiety :( plz help


Hi everyone! I just want to know if yall also have/had trouble with anxiety during your pregnancy. I’m pregnant for a second time, and my first is now 2. He was healthy, and so far everything with baby girl looks great. She’s had a strong heartbeat since it was detectable, and her genetic testing came back great as well. I just can’t help feeling anxious about something tragic happening even though I have no reason to expect something is going to happen. I am 15 weeks and trying to enjoy my pregnancy because I know it’s supposed to be a beautiful time, but every time I get excited about something, like picking her name, i have a rush of fear come over me. I hear about tragic losses for women at the same point or further than me and I can’t help but get scared that’s gonna be me. I don’t have any health issues that increase the risk, and I don’t do anything to increase the risk either. I’m just scared of every little thing like awkward movements or accidental bumps from my toddler. I know they say risk after first trimester is 2-5%, and I can’t help but worry I’ll be part of that statistic. I assume worst case scenario and I really want to stop. How can I overcome this?