Was it weird of me to ask him why he doesn’t reply?

Never had a boyfriend but I really miss this guy I was dating last year. Our connection was amazing, so much in common and it was fun and easy. I’ve never felt attraction sexually like that before whether. But I don’t know if he was avoidant or something but he ended things and said he didn’t feel romantic

He was from another country and spoke about how he’s not sure if he will stay here long term.

He came back to be friends. When he hung out with me,he really seemed genuinely so happy to see me. Like I’ve never experienced someone loom so happy to see me, hug me, tell me how much he enjoys spending time with me.

He would text me all the time and then he moved hours away for a new job and just stopped reaching out to me suddenly. I didn’t know why as he had been the one initiating all the contact and meet-ups… I never reached out first or anything.

We didn’t speak until I went on holiday last month and he texted me to ask me how my holiday was. I sent him a little paragraph telling me about my trip and asked him how he was. But he never replied.

Then last week I posted a story on Instagram and he message me ‘hope you are well. ‘ I reply ‘hey :) how’s your new job going?’

He didn’t reply but lately I’ve just noticed he’s started watching all of my instagram stories, reacting to all of them but isn’t engaging in convo.

I wish I knew what this behaviour means.

I’ve tried to date other men but genuinely haven’t found a connection that I feel is right. Me and him had a rare and special connection and even he acknowledged that. Maybe avoidant attachment?

He keeps liking my story posts and today I just got upset and overwhelmed but sent him a message saying ‘i notice you check in from time to time, but never respond back, why is that?’

Was that weird of me?? I don’t usually do anything like this and I’m scared to but I’m just having a hard time with it

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