Went into labor at 35 weeks and 1 day!!


Had contractions starting at 5 on Thursday 7/11 that wasn’t strong but uncomfortable & that last off & on for the rest of the day/night but I had a high risk appt in the morning at 10 am so I decided to hold off until then contractions had stopped for a little when I got to the appt & once ready to leave I started feeling them again so I was told to go to L&D to get tested for labor because contractions was back to back & so I did & I was 0cm dilated & they thought I was dehydrated & that fluid would help so they put me on a bag of fluid for an hour & contractions slowed down by the time the fluid was done even though the contractions were more spaced out by this point they started hurting to the point I would shake when getting them & they started coming more together so they were going to give me an ultrasound to score my fluids & everything but I had got a really bad contraction right before so they decide to check my cervix again before getting the ultrasound & when they checked I had dilated to 1cm in a hour & this is my 4th baby & I had 3 prior c sections so they immediately said I was going to have to have a c section within that hour so I don’t fully dilate had my baby at 4:56 pm

She was born 4lbs 13 ounces & she was perfect but after a couple of hours we noticed she wasn’t keeping her temperature & her sugars were low so they helped me try to get her better in our postpartum room she would get better one test then the next it’d be low finally me & dad decided to skin to skin her the whole day back and forth accompanied by having a lot of blankets on top of her & I fed her 15 minutes on each breast immediately followed by formula & instantly she started being able to hold her temperature & sugars went up & so she finally passed her sugars test had multiple good temps & the risk of nicu time was no longer in question she has now had her carseat test at 12am & passed so we are now getting situated to be discharged in a couple of hours yay!!! I had her on 07/12 & being discharged 07/14 no nicu stay

This is her at 1 day old yesterday

4lbs 11oz