Am I wrong ? Don’t regularly want sex

So my my boyfriend of 4 years just told me I was “selfish “ because I believe consent to sex goes both ways. What I mean by this is I just feel like I’m not obligated to have sex if I don’t feel like it but he feels like I’m selfish because of that thinking . Is it ? He knows me and he knows sometimes I want to and sometimes I don’t just based off past shi I’m just not interesting in sex often but he was cool with it( he’s been with me four years !) . He then gives the scenario that if we were married and in a committed relationship he can’t step out to have sex so i should basically I guess be ready when he is at times. Am I wrong for feeling hurt ? Cuz wym by a committed relationship ? What are we ? Then says I can change sexual patterns and May not want to but also this all started because he asked and I said no and said I don’t want to and it goes both ways . Doesn’t the desire for sex go both ways ? Why would you wanna have sex with someone half in it ? Or is a requirement in marriage

Please leave me anything . Criticism , advice , opinions