Positive induction


I had my scheduled induction yesterday morning. We arrived @5:00am and after my IV was in my nurse started my pitocin @5:45 and upped it every 30 minutes. Around 9am Contractions were consistent every 2-3 minutes and 30 seconds long. My midwife then came in shortly after to break my waters. I was able to use a comb/walk/rock back and forth/yoga ball the whole time. Then around 12:00 the contractions started feeling stronger and almost 1 minute long. This is when I started having to lean on my husband and rock through the pain. I then was checked and was 8cm dilated. Almost 30 minutes after this the pain picked up almost instantly and contractions were every 2 minutes 1 minute long each. I could feel baby’s head descending during these contractions and told the nurse I was feeling the need to bear down. She rung for my midwife and I laid down in bed. When my midwife checked I was like 9 1/2 cm dilated and baby’s head was extremely low. I tried pushing 3 times but with that little lip still there baby wasn’t ready to come. So I tried a new position and worked my way through about 6 contractions. They were so painful but I knew the end was near. I kept praying God please don’t let this take long! Give me strength! Then the urge to push was too much and I rolled back over to tell my midwife I had to try pushing again. She told me on the next contraction to give it my all. I pushed 3 times and our 3rd baby girl was in my arms @ 1:39. I didn’t tear and was so ecstatic to have had another successful labor without having any pain meds. Women are truly so AMAZING and I’m so glad God made me a woman! Thankful to have given birth to our 4th earth side baby 🌈🩷