Is this too much blood??

Can someone tell me if this is normal?


I am 4 weeks pp, I have been bleeding but not too bad, for this 4 weeks. A few days ago, it was turning into brown blood; and then it stopped for like a day and then it started back up again but it’s bright blood and a lot. This is the most I’ve bleed this whole postpartum. Do you think it’s my period? I have a history of really heavy periods before I was pregnant.. I’m just worried. I need to know I’m not the only one that has experienced this.

This pic is after I sat on the toilet for like 20 minutes.. it was so full of blood and looked worse in person


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Looks normal. If you fill a pad in an hour for 3 hours straight, go get seen. If you push yourself too hard, you can restart your pp bleeding. The wound inside isn’t healed yet. Take it easy.


Posted at
I also was like this, :/ wasn’t very fun


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