Tough pregnancy


Hello mamas! I’m officially 36 weeks today it’s my first pregnancy and expecting a baby boy and I’ve had every symptom under the book since week 4 (bc I could not stop vomiting) I know a few couples expecting this August shout out to August babies! ^.^ I was wondering if any woman that’s 4’11 or short like I am has had an easier pregnancy I keep hearing some woman didn’t know they were even expecting until month 3 lucky you! But I’m sorry I don’t think I’ll go through with this again as excited as I am I can’t wait to go into labor maybe i just lack a high pain tolerance level or some people don’t want to share their hardships >.> I’m glad most of the women I’ve talked to are thriving and are not experiencing these horrible symptoms and don’t get me wrong I feel blessed that my baby is healthy and due soon but let me be real I won’t be doing this again bc what a drag anyone else feel the same?