Could I be pregnant ?

Hello everyone - I was having unprotected sex w my man and <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> but did not want to risk it. So I started birth control. My doc said start birth control first day my period starts

My period was 2 days late not the 4th but the 7-8th it came and it came and I started the pill the night the period started

And when my period started flowing kt was only when I wiped and only for a day

Could I be pregnant or is this cuz of birth control that cause the period to stop.

First time on bc and now 3 week I get a bit nauseous in the morning but it goes this birth control

I’m on changes the amount of estrogen this week so don’t know if it’s my body getting used to it

Other than that I feel fine.

I have some pics this is all I bled for a day.

Safe to say no period ?