Am I out this month?

Carly • 25, california

For context, my husband and I have been actively trying since April of this year. I stopped birth control in July 2023, and my periods were regular between then and November 2023. My period stopped, didn’t get one in December and started regularly in April. I think this was just an odd response to having taken a Plan B in December when we had a mishap when we weren’t trying. My periods have been regular since, and no positives yet. But this month I tested positive for ovulation on the 8th and we tried (see screenshot) and my two week wait felt a bit odd. Symptoms were: bloating, gas, uterine heaviness, more frequent peeing, slight cramps and headaches. Well, AF was due and didn’t come, and I’m still testing negative. If I were pregnant, would it still be possible to test positive in the next few days even though I’m already 15 DPO? I’m going to wait a few days to see if my period is just late and I’m just reading too much into it.