Uk mamas …. Induction


UK mamas. Is it possible to ask to be induced by 38 weeks ?

I’ve had inductions on both babies before this pregnancy so know what I’m getting into with induction and for this pregnancy I have no choice in the matter anyway because I have gestational diabetes and baby is already measuring on the bigger side.

I am STRUGGLING , uncontrolled gestational diabetes and my body isn’t storing and low on iron so I’m best described as a zombie. I’m having constant hypos/hypers 24/7 and there’s nothing they are able to give me due to either method of treatment affecting me negatively. I’m constantly in pain and extremely extremely exhausted , I’m constantly dizzy/sick and fatigued and have started suffering with extreme headaches and blurred vision so as you can imagine I want baby boy out as soon as possible but when it’s still safe for him. So can I ask/elect to be induced at 38 weeks instead of 39 ??