TTC with PCOS Help


Hey all! Sorry a long read but there are qs at the end if you wanna skip, I'm just kind of dumping my thoughts!

My husband and I are just starting out TTC! We were going to wait til later this year buy spontaneously decided to start now! I'm not sure if I caught the ovulation cause I obviously hadn't been tracking or anything so will see if the app prediction was correct it guess! Will be tracking next cycle for sure!

Anyway we were going to try back in 2018 but I ended up falling in love with a sport and we put it off, I've lost over 20kg through that sport so hoping that is in my favour! Dr's would still consider my BMI high for my height, I'm going to try and drop a little but I'm very active so not overly worried about that!

I used to have v irregular periods but metformin sorted that out pre weightloss but I'm kind of scared to stop taking it even though my cycles are regular now (31-33 days) as when I briefly came off it my cycles went all over the place again!


If my cycles are 31-33 days when should I start using OPKs?

Are there any additional supplements I should be taking? Currently taking folic acid and zinc?

Should I talk to my GP now? Or try for a few cycles then contact them? Given that my cycles are regular and have been for a few years and I am fairly sure I ovulate? I've read women with PCOS can have LH surges so is a OPK enough to confirm I'm ovulating or is there something else I should do?