
So I thought I was ovulating last weekend. Not temping or opks just going based on symptoms that I remember having during ovulation before I got on birth control and tracking symptoms on my apps that’s been 100% accurate (I’ve conceived 5 times, two living with my method so it works for me). I know coming off of birth control can throw you off for a few months. I was on Tri lo Mili combination pills for about 9 months then decided to get off to ttc. My withdrawal bleed was 6/25-6/29 (about 3days after last active pill) I haven’t had real af yet but I’m on “cd35” post bleed. I wiped LOTS of ewcm on cd34 when I woke up then a few times after throughout the day and was having slight twinges/pokes on and off in my right ovary and pokes in my lower back on the right side as well. Could that have been ovulation or gearing up to O? I did have sex as soon as I noticed it since we took a break for a few days thinking I’ve already O’d (didn’t have ewcm when I thought I O’d, I haven’t had it in years but still was able to conceive). I know it’s possible to not O the first month or more but we’re trying anyway. I’m on week 4 (almost 5) since stopping birth control. Any advice or stories of your own?