He keep asking me to live together

He has his own house, been there for 4-5 years.

I met him 5 months ago.

We literally had been with each other Day & Night. Only time we would be away from each other is when he has his kids , but he still find his way to come see me just for a few seconds when he do have them.

He would drop the kids off and come be right back under me. We go to the club together, he took me to his family reunion , he wanted me to come to the hospital with him to see his dad (which I thought wasn’t a good idea). We would talk and he would say “let’s get a house together”

I would say ok. But really wouldn’t engage in the conversation. But he asked me again few days later, I just keep saying ok. Just brushing it off my shoulders. He asked about 2 more times after that . Then last night . He texted me in my sleep saying “we bouta get a house”.

My mom told me . If we do agree to it . Make sure my name is on the lease too .

How do you feel about the situation??

Is it too early ?

pros & cons to it .

When will it be the right time , if it’s too early .

I’m 24, he’s 31. I have no kids btw