Help! He couldn’t stay hard

I am completely turned off and makes me wonder if it was a me thing.

This guy I’ve been dating is great. He is sweet and overall someone who has great morals.

Well we had sex. The foreplay was great. I thought the sex would be great. I touched him to see if he was hard and he was …so we took off our clothes and all of a sudden his penis shrinks sooooooo much! It was tiny. It was dark but I had felt it. Not sure if it was me? Maybe I smelled? Maybe I didn’t feel good naked. Maybe it was the fact I had not shaved as I was not prepared ..he admitted he was cold. He got hard again but kept slipping out and couldn’t stay hard …wouldn’t go inside at all as it was so soft. i just stopped

He keeps questioning me about the sex and im scared to admit the sex was horrible