That’s gonna cost


Hi so My partner/not my partner (long story we broke up but are back together and living together working on our relationship) ANYWAY. We just had sex last night and today he text me “are you happy that I finally gave you some?” And I told him “ I like when you do? Should I not?” And he says “well you’ve been touching me for days now” like HUH?? So I can’t now or what? And he’s started this whole “it’s gonna cost ya” joke (which I don’t think is very funny) and he proceeded to say “you can look, but touching is gonna cost you” ( but as a joke which again I don’t find funny, YES I have told him before I don’t think it’s funny) and I told him okay then I won’t be touching you? LIKE WHAT KIND OF CRAP am I supposed to begging you? Bc if that’s the case that’s messed up in my opinion? Anybody else? Thoughts?