my boyfriend won’t go down on me

my boyfriend rarely goes down on me, we’ve been together for three months and are VERY sexually active like we have sex most days and i can count on one hand the amount of times he’s gone down on me. whereas i go down on him pretty much every time we have sex and even when i’m on my period and we can’t have sex (he doesn’t do period sex). i’ve tried expressing to him that i want him to go down on me more but he kinda just ignores it or brushes me off and i dont know what to do. and when he does go down on me it’s for like 2 minutes and then he stops

edit: he’s told me before that he does enjoy going down on girls so it’s not like it’s just a straight up no for him. and i’m not saying it’s a dealbreaker for me or that he’s not allowed to not want to i just dont know how to talk to him about it because whenever i try he brushes it off or changes the subject