My bf and his ex need boundaries

I’ve been so cool with my boyfriend and his kids mom relationship, they keep things cool and so do I with her. She has my number and we’ve hung out before on their son’s birthday but I feel recently she’s been a little much . At first she had a boyfriend so I wouldn’t really hear much of her until recently since they broke up and since then she’s constantly asking out of my bf like random weird things. For insistence two days a go she asked if he can pick up her target order and I was like ok weird ? My bf agreed and well I was whatever about it since we were picking up his kids and today she sends him a text asking if he can pick up some pho for her on his way to drop off their kids due to her being hung over ?! Like really girl I feel it’s a little much. She’s constant asking all these random favors and I get it if it was for kids or something of importance but it’s not !!! And so I got upset with my bf since I feel there has to be. Boundaries specially since he’s always okay with everything she asks for . He’s in a relationship with me not her . I feel like hello ubber ?! Post mates and again if it’s for his sons I’m all game but it’s always favors for herself