I just need confirmation this is an indent .I feel like I’m going insane.


Currently 9 days late. Cycles usually are 32 days but now I’m on day 41. The most I’ve been late is 5 days and ended up in a miscarriage . I’m sure if I was pregnant the test would have shown by now unless I ovulated late but idk my hormones are all over the place. Been having lots of creamy white discharge for the last 3 days that require me to wear pads and still peeing like crazy. My breast have gotten itchy and sensitive to the point wearing a bra is so uncomfortable. I’m so tired and Been taking up to 4 hour naps constantly during the day ever since day of missed period. I tested the day of missed peirod and was sure I had seen a faint line but tested several times days after and they came back negative. Now this one might be a shadow or indent but anybody else having delayed periods or what could be the reason I’m feeling all these things.