Not a FTM but anxious!


I am a mom of 4 beautiful kids already, a 17(almost 18)yr old girl, a 12(almost 13)yr old girl, an 8 yr old boy, a 3yr old boy, and unexpectedly expecting my 5th baby! My first born was a surprise baby. Second was somewhat of a surprise as well. My 3rd was planned and the 4th was also. I have never had hcg labs drawn in early pregnany before and therefore I have nothing to compare them to except on here and I am a little nervous with seeing most everyone's numbers being in the 10,000s or higher. I am currently around 6w2d(I hadn't been tracking periods due to being on birth control for 3 yrs and got super sick a week in july which means I had forgotten to take my birth control as well). I had a routine visit to my pcp on Aug 5th and asked them to do an hcg urine pregnancy test but it came back neg. So I didn't think much about it as I did get back on my birth control after about 5-6 days of forgetting to take it(in July). So fast forward to Mon Aug 12th, I am playin with my 3 yr old and leaned over the couch and noticed that my boobs were more sore than normal. I then ran to the bathroom to take a test as I know thats common in early pregnancy. To my surprise it was positive right away and both lines dark. So then I start to think back to my last period and I had my last period on July 8th and they have always been pretty regular and usually last about 3 days except the last one was only 2 days long and was very light. Anyway fast forward to Mon Aug 19th I called my pcp to.let them know and asked if she could order some labs and a transvaginal US so I can see if everything is ok. Well I had my labs drawn yesterday(6w1d)and got my results thins morning and it was 5767. Is this normal for around my gestational age? I have been doin research and I know there are charts that say that my number is within normal range, but I look on here at people around my timeframe and theirs are over 10,000! Anyone else have numbers around mine that have turned out well? Sorry this post was so long lol