I want my IUD OUT!!!

GRACE Lilith • Previously Lilith DV survivor

I need to have a rant that I can only have here. I have the liletta IUD. I couldn’t handle any other birth control, my stomach was too sensitive to pills so I would just throw them up, the shot made me bleed until I got sick. Doc said the rod that goes in the arm is identical to the shot and would just do the same.

IUD Insertion was in 2020 and it was horribly painful but the IUD itself did me wonderful for 5 years excluding these last few months. It expires in February.

And let me tell you these past few months have been fucking miserable. I’m hormonal, idk what’s going on. Some may know that as time goes on the IUD will lose the amount of hormones it gives off. I’m breaking out. I’m having mood swings. It’s obviously running low on hormones. I know it’s in the right spot just had a full body scan for other health issues and saw it sitting perfectly in place, which was also noted by a doc.

I COULD go get it taken out at any point and insurance WILL cover it, but I’ve already called and if I have it taken out before February, my insurance will refuse to pay for a replacement. So these next 6 months, I’ll be contemplating ripping it out myself.

Thank you I can breathe now ☺️