Is this weird or is it signs ?

Soo literally almost a year ago I got cheated on by my boyfriend we talked about it blah blah ended up back together . Well here recently the girl he cheated on me with has a name that is very common I know a lot of people with that name but for some reason every comment I read its from a person with that same name . Every time I open Facebook , TikTok or instagram the very 1st post I see is from someone with that name . And today I started a new job my manager was showing me the schedule or whatever and yep guess what the 1st name on that schedule was the same name as the girl , am I tripping or does that just sounds really weird or seem like I’m getting signs thrown at me and I can’t ignore it , not to mention sometimes I have dreams something is happening or I got this gut feeling something about to happened would you be freaked out or let it go because it’s a common name . I hope this make sense it just like Everytime I turn around I’m seeing that name