Pregnant or no?

I had sex maybe 2 weeks or so ago. I had very light spotting the other day (one spot of blood) every time I wiped for 2 days and then I’ve been feeling really hungry, I’m peeing wayyyy more often (sometimes it’s like I can’t hold it) I’m Constantly feeling “wet” down there, the past 3 nights I’ve had a bit of heartburn and feeling nauseous. Today I went to the park with my kids about 9am come 10:30 am on the way back my belly felt like it was sort of burning (not heart burn) and I felt sick again. Then it went. About 4/5pm I had the same. Whenever my kids lie on my belly it’s uncomfy like I don’t know to describe it I suppose as being squashed? Sort of tight? Not sure the best way to describe.

Do you think this could be pregnancy? I was on the pill and 2 days after having sex I forgot to take it as it was really busy and chaotic day so I’m not sure if the contraception would’ve worked or not as I didn’t take it the second day after sex.

As I’m breastfeeding my periods are really irregular so can’t say when my next is due.