How are people acting normal?


After 3 years of trying to conceive, 4 miscarriages, it looks like this time is our time🤞🏼! Early scan showed just under 6 weeks with what appeared to be a little heartbeat - this is the furthest we’ve ever gotten 😍 we go back on the 6th to check things are progressing as they should be.

My real question on here I guess, is - how the hell is everyone just getting through day to day life? As I’ve hit 6 weeks the nausea (not even throwing up) is making me feel like crap, I’m exhausted and I’m so uncomfortable with my bowels (won’t go into more detail - but I’m on progesterone and it’s causing havoc in that department 😂)! All I want to do is lay in bed all day, feels like I’ve got a hangover! Had some symptoms before but definitely the strongest this time around.

Luckily I work from home for mine and my husbands business, but how are you all coping going into work and acting normal!? Fair play.

I feel so bad for almost moaning about it as I’m super grateful, but also this is rough. Had the ironing to put away for a week and I’ve just no motivation at all! You’re honestly a super hero if you feel like this and you’re soldiering on through. Emotionally, physically and mentally I’m all over after our long journey - I feel it may be a long 9 months 😂