Am I wrong?

Me and my husband have been working and haven't had a chance to have sex in 2 weeks. I dressed up sexy. Put on makeup and started trying to seduce him. He ran to the bathroom to crap condoms and my step son (11) asked my husband to read to him before bed. He reads to him a chapter out of his book every night. At first my husband said he would tomorrow night but my step son said "But we're reading Percy Jackson." My husband just kept saying "But but .... Fine..." I was annoyed. We haven't had sex in 2 weeks. His son knows how to read so they could have skipped one night. When he came back to bed I just went to bed and refused to talk to him. I was irritated that he knew I wanted to have sex but still chose to read to his son over me.

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Posted at
Tell daddy a lady from the glow app said “run for the hills”


Marley • Sep 6, 2024
Hopefully she tells him two said that because I’m saying run as well 😂


Posted at
Yes, I think you’re in the wrong. I don’t understand why you couldn’t have sex afterwards? When kids are part of the deal, you have to compromise and most of the time, their reasonable wants and needs should come first. You said it yourself this is something they do every night. Y’all literally still could have had sex and enjoyed the rest of the evening.


Posted at
Yes, you’re wrong, get over it. It’s his CHILD, your sexual desires don’t supersede that. You could have had sex when he was done but instead you acted like a child. Oh well.


Posted at
Whether his son can read or not that's their time together and not something he should ever have to compromise. You could have had sex afterwards, you chose to throw a tantrum instead. Get yourself together


Posted at
Are you a troll? There’s no way a sane person would think they’re in the right here.


Posted at
😂😂 you sound like an asshole. You should be proud of him for reading with his son. What a shame.


Posted at
So what I'm hearing is you still could have had sex but you chose to pout like a child.


Posted at
Are you happy with yourself that you decided to act like a child?


Posted at
You’re a piece of shit


Posted at
You’re choosing sex over a child. The fuck is wrong with you. You can wait. Good lord. Could have still had sex when he was done. Or does him being a good dad turn you off?