Need some medical advice

I need answers or at least a direction to look and my doctors cannot give me any. I’ve had right flank pain for over a year now since last August. I didn’t think much of it at the time because it only occurred during my ovulation week and so I attributed it to ovulation pain. Then the pain started to occur more often and became sharper if I was standing or moving around for longer than a minute. Now it even hurts at night and wakes me from sleep if I don’t take pain medication before bed. I started to worry it was my kidneys as once I started to workout more regularly I’d end up peeing straight blood afterwards. I do have a history of kidney issues and have passed more than 10 kidney stones since I was 17(I’m 26 now) so I ended up finally seeing a doctor in July. I had an ultrasound done and they found that I had cysts on my kidneys as well as my ovaries. As far as my ovaries go my cycle is extremely normal except for the cysts on them. I do not have any other symptoms of PCOS. However, I had a CT scan with contrast done a couple weeks ago to check for medullary sponge kidney disease and it found nothing. Not even the cysts that the ultrasound picked up. I feel like I’m going crazy because I’m in so much pain that I can’t be active and can hardly do my job. Anyone ever had anything like this before??? I did have a UTI a week or so ago and took medication and I still have UTI symptoms and no UTI so now I’m going to see a urologist. Talking to the nephrologist, he told me that cysts on the kidney do not normally bother people. I’m just frustrated as this has been going on for so long with no end in sight.