Am I wrong?

My children’s father and I do week by week coparenting. Today is the start of my week with them and also my only off day after literally working (I work a very strenuous job). He asked me did I miss them and I said “No lol” then boom he goes off. I love my children to death but I have 2 under 2 and still haven’t gotten a work-life balance yet 😩 I know it’s what comes with being a mommy which is why I never complain but damn why do I have to be a bad mom for saying that? I feel like he doesn’t understand that I literally got a job to get away from my kids .. very sad to say & he stopped helping when the second baby came. The postpartum hit hard, I was a SAHM for 1 1/2 year. When he gets the kids all he does is sit in the house with them, he doesn’t have a job.. just feel like he doesn’t understand. Iguess my post turned into a vent rather than a question lol just tired of being the primary parent.