Conceiving post chemical

I just had another early MC and would love to hear other's experiences about ovulation, etc. About a week before I found out I was pregnant, I bled for 3 days fairly heavily. (They told me it was likely implantation bleeding after I found out). I had negative tests and thought it was a period and moved on. Then I started spotting about a week later and took a test and it was super positive. The spotting progressed and I ended up confirming I was miscarrying again with my doctor. My tests went negative almost a week ago and my blood tests had confirmed my HCG was dropping the way it should. Now, 15 days later since the start of the second bleed, I am CONFUSED. After a week of feeling normal, no bleeding, etc. my sore nipples came back, cramping came back, I'm sniffling again, and I'm bleeding (but super light). I just told my husband... I feel pregnant again but I know I'm not. When did you ovulate/conceive again post early miscarriage?