What do I do now?

7 days late for my period, give or take a day, per my calculations and 4 apps. Have had several BFNs and today had a negative HCG blood draw as well. The only symptoms I’ve been having is a headache that varies in intensity through the day, irritability, fatigue and thirsty. The fatigue and headache are my only usual period symptoms. I am always very regular, start a day or two after finishing my birth control pack for the month. I’ve even skipped months before and still been regular the following month. So being this late is really throwing me. I’m having slimy, sticky CM on and off as well. Unsure what to do at this point. Do I call my OBGYN and make an appointment to see if something is wrong or do I wait another week and test again if my period still hasn’t come? It’s hard to be patient and not assume the worst.