breaking up then getting back together?

me and my boyfriend had a serious talk today about our relationship. i don’t feel appreciated or heard because i keep asking for change and nothing happens. we both agreed that our relationship has felt dry and different in the last few weeks/months, but that we still deeply love each other. i said that i have almost stopped trying because i am losing motivation. he helped me pack the stuff i had in his apartment and i went back to mine. we have texted about our talk, and how we both feel empty without each other. he said that he will work on everything i talked about and change, but i don’t know what will happen because i have asked for change since we started dating a year ago. i don’t know if it’s stupid to give it a second try. this is the guy i imagined i’d marry, he’s always supported me but recently i’ve felt so lost in our relationship. i feel like i’ve lost myself, but i would like to give it a try and try to find myself again with him by my side. do you think this is a stupid idea? or could it work if we both try our best?